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Delivering a hybrid engagement strategy

When delivering a hybrid meeting, there are several questions we’re often asked; from simple questions like "what is a hybrid AGM?" to "how can you create parity between in-room and remote participants during an investor relations meeting?". It’s important to understand the logistics behind integrating a digital portal to your next meeting.

Delve deeper into the Lumi Global white paper: Hybrid engagement strategy to learn:

  • What is a hybrid meeting?
  • Is hybrid the future?
  • Who has already hosted a hybrid or virtual meetings?
  • Is a hybrid meeting secure?
  • Aren’t hybrid & virtual meetings much more costly?
  • How does Lumi Global integrate the online and in-room meeting experience?

Submit your details on the form to download your copy now.



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“It’s clear that issuers and shareholders are getting more and more ready to embrace hybrid technology, as the market becomes more focused on new technology and the benefits that follow."
Hallvard Brattli, Head of Registrars Department, DNB